Automatic Fish Feeder
Material List
1- 24 hr Timer (Wal-Mart under $5)
2- Pill bottle (Wal-Mart Pharmacy $0)
3- Straw (Whataburger $0)
4- Some Mighty Putty (Wal-Mart $10 / 4 = $2.50)
5- Box Cutter (This is the only tool you need)
6- Extension Cord (Dollar Store $1)
Step 1
Poke two holes about timer dial width apart.
Step 2
Unfortunately "Mighty Putty" does not stick to pill bottle. Apply "Mighty
Putty" on holes. Close holes from in and out. Let it harden (15min).
Step 3
Fortunately "Mighty Putty" does stick to Timer. Apply "Mighty
Putty" to the rime of the timer. Attach the pill bottle. Let it
harden (15min).
Step 4
Take the lid and cut a hole as big as the straw.
Step 5
Cut the straw about 1/2" longer than the
depth of the pill bottle and place the straw
in the hole such that when lid closed there
should be about 1/4" opening space. Use
"Mighty Putty" to fix the straw in place.
Step 6
Close the lid. (This example straw cut 30deg angle)
I have only 3 fish in my son's 10gal fish tank. Use bigger straw for more feeding.
Step 7
Break the fish food in smaller pieces.
Fill the pill bottle with fish food.
Step 8
Stick the timer assembly by using "Mighty Putty" let it harden (15min).
Set the timer such that when feeding light should be on. Plug the fish tank
light to timer. Plug the extension cord. Enjoy...
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